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The Journey so far and 200+ Store Visits

Our journey for this website started back in 2012 when I first created the page on Facebook and named it Elegant Femme. Well you might think that's one hell of a time before I decided to launch the website.

You are absolutely right!! That is indeed a very long time. No excuses - just want to share my journey and how it all materialised.

It's in the name:

You guessed it right, for whatever reason (call it a devine intervention) I decided to call my Facebook page Elegant Femme - the name just clicked.

What was I thinking?

The intent was to create a brand with something different to offer. But due to factors beyond my control, I could never get to the point when I would be all geared up to launch a website:

What Happened Next?

The page on Facebook kept getting likes - slowly but gradually. And without any effort 3 years later I was sitting at approximately 600+ likes. Please believe me when I say this - there was no marketing done, no money spent on adverts, just pure unbiased likes from ladies who simply seemed to have loved the name.

I saw hope

I realised that Elegant Femme was not just a brand - it was a reflection of the female psyche. Ladies relate to it and our tag-line - "Because every woman deserves a bit of elegance".

First Steps

I took the first step and a leep of faith. Started working on the website and after almost 6 months of effort and experimenting, I finally got to the point where I could tell myself - I am ready!!

Launch Day

Certainly the day I launched this website I was very nervous and wasn't sure what to expect. But when you believe in something you give it your best. So I did the same.

Since the launch of this website on 8th February 2017 I have spent several hours trying to understand the mood of the people visiting the website and will continue doing it. This will allow me to work better towards delivering what you expect from this website - decent products and a reliable and trustworthy merchant who can supply what you are looking for.

What's so special about today?

Today we crossed the 200 mark in terms of online visitors. Yippiee!!

Hope to see the visits growing and I wish to thank all the visitors who took the time to navigate through the store and read this blog. There's a lot more to come so please stay tuned and don't forget to sign up for our newsletter.